Ottauquechee River Trail
A flat, walking trail in Woodstock, Vermont along the Ottauquechee River
"I love how beautifully this trail complements the Mt Peg and Mt Tom trails by offering an accessible way to appreciate Woodstock's riverscape and fields." —Wendy Spector
In 2017, a group of Woodstock residents came together to create a 2.8-mile, flat, walking trail on private land near the center of Woodstock and adjacent to Woodstock’s East End Park. Ottauquechee River Trail provides the community with abundant opportunities for exercise, river access and a totally new exposure to Woodstock’s nature and beauty.
October 2024 Update
Ottauquechee River Trail has replaced the bog bridges, determined the trail route, replaced the wooden benches with more sustainable stone benches, completed the universal access project, cleared the trailhead (temporarily) of invasives, and redesigned the kiosk material. Please view the recent WCTV video discussing ORT and our rebuilding process. (Around Woodstock: Ottauquechee River Trail).
Looking ahead: We recently applied for a Vermont Community Fund grant for the new trailhead kiosk graphics. We also hope to set aside some funds for 2025 operations.
The Challenge
Today Ottauquechee River Trail is actively enjoyed by 500 people per week and is conveniently located adjacent to Woodstock’s East End Park. However, to get to this point, the Ottauquechee River Trail team had to convince four property owners of the community value to be derived from the trail and then significantly transform the property into a welcoming and accessible asset. The trailhead was severely overgrown after years of neglect, is ribboned with sewer lines, and bordered by drainage streams. The trail also goes past Woodstock’s wastewater treatment facility and most of the trail is located on land that is actively hayed. Finally, the elevation changes at the trailhead make universal access to the proposed trail challenging.
The Solution
On Labor Day 2020, Ottauquechee River Trail opened with great celebration. The Ottauquechee River Trail team had gained permission from the landowners, raised money for trail construction, and obtained the necessary local and state permits/approvals. With this all successfully accomplished, the Woodstock community now has a conveniently located walking trail that can be used by everyone. This initial construction funding and activity have paved the way for the next phase of existence. Now the trail is maintained and overseen by a group of dedicated volunteers, ensuring that the trail continues to be a valuable asset to the public for years to come.
The Impact
Conveniently located near the center of town, at the edge of Woodstock’s East End Park, Ottauquechee River Trail is used by more than 500 people per week, local residents and visitors alike:
- Families having picnics, dog owners, nature lovers, fishermen, birdwatchers, and others are regular visitors
- The Thompson Senior Center and Woodstock Terrace residents take weekly walks along the trail because it is flat and easily navigable
- The recent addition of a wheelchair ramp at the trailhead and a hardened trail makes the trail usable by everyone
Ottauquechee River Trail is a perfect complement to East End Park. The two all-volunteer efforts provide a strong foundation/motivation for further development in Woodstock’s East End, which has long been a priority for the community.
Project Plans and Support
From the beginning, the Woodstock community has actively supported ORT.
- Woodstock’s Economic Development Commission
- Property Owners of the land used by the trail
- Community members through active participation in “volunteer days” and financial support
Now as a project of Woodstock Community Trust, Ottauquechee River Trail can move forward with the next phase of development as part of a professionally managed not-for-profit organization.
Get Involved
The Ottauquechee River Trail’s continued existence depends on your involvement! Participate in one of our regularly scheduled “Volunteer Days” and provide continued financial support through a generous donation to the Woodstock Community Trust. If you love ORT, become active to guarantee its long-term existence.
Project Team Members
- Gerry Fredrickson
- Wendy Jackson
- Randy Richardson
- Phil Robertson
- Carrie Weschler
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